Детали рейтинга файлов: Всего голосов: 9 Общий рейтинг: 9.22 Скачали: 919 Описание Sailor Senshi Maker: Instructions:
Panel 1: Genetics
- choose a bang style, choose the hair color, face shape, eye color and skin color
Panel 2: Hair Style
- click to change hair color, click on odangos, ponytails and free hair to add them to your Sailor Senshi. To remove, either click on X's beside the styles, or click on the hair parts on the Sailor.
Panel 3: Simple Menu
- First, choose your 2 main Sailor colors.
- Either choose the colors yourself with the two color boxes, or...
- Press the Random button to try out combinations
- Click on items to add them to the girl
- Click on items on the girl to remove them
Panel 4: Start of Complex Menu
- For the following menus, click on color buttons to change colors of items, and click on items to add them
- Click on items on the girl to remove them
Final Panel
- Choose a background
- Optionally, choose a color that influences some of the background colors
- Choose effects, click on X's to remove effects
- Use the "Randomize" button to create a totally random Sailor Scout
- Use the "Print" button to print in either full glorious color or black and white for coloring yourself!
- Press "Done" to view your creation in all its glory!
Ideas: Re-create your own Sailor Senshi characters, envision yourself as a Sailor Scout, invent a new Sailor to join Sailor Moon's team, or choose a Sailor made by the "Randomize" button and make up a name and background for her.
Wanna save her? Hit the "Print Screen" (PrtScn) button on your keyboard, then "Paste" into a new file, in an imaging program (Photoshop, Paint etc.). You'll have to crop the image to your liking.
Sailor Senshi Maker
Пожалуйста, не голосуйте за один и тот же файл неоднократно.
Шкала - 1 - 10, с 1 плохо и 10 отлично.
Пожалуйста, будьте объективным в Вашем голосе, если каждый проголосует 1 или 10, то результаты будут не очень интересны.