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Энциклопедия / Аниме лирика | Anime lyrics / N / Naruto : Home Sweet Home

Naruto : Home Sweet Home | Наруто : Home Sweet Home

Описание : Movie Main Theme

Исполнитель: YUKI

Оригинальная версия Английская версия
aruki tsukarete  furidasu ame
tsukami soko neta  usagi o otte
anata no me wa  suki tooru
kurai  umi no soko de  iki o shite iru mizu
watashi o yonde  yonde  koko ni iru no yo
doko e ikeba  ikeba  mitasareru no?
getting tired of walking, the rain that began to fall
I chase after the rabbit I couldn't catch
your eyes are like the clear water
breathing deep down in the ocean
call me, call me, I'm here
where can I go, to where, so that I'm satisfied?
uchi e kaero  asu ni nareba
daijoubu tte waratte iru kana
namae o yonde  yonde  dakishimeru yo
omoidashite  me o tojite  osanai koro
let's go home, when tomorrow comes
will I be laughing saying that it's all ok?
call my name, call me, I'll embrace you
so close your eyes and remember those innocent times
tarinai tokoro o  anata ga  umete kureta
kanashii kimochi datte sa  sugu wasurerareta kara
kowakunai yo
you filled the parts I lacked in
because I was able to forget even sad feelings
I'm not afraid
uso o tsuite  koukai shite
watashi wa  itsuka  otona ni natta
haji o kaite  ase o kaite
soredemo odori tsudzukeru  riyuu
tamashii  kogashite  kogashite  sakenderu yo
hiraite ikeba  ikeba  sukuwareru no
lying, and regretting that
I became an *** someday
getting humiliated, sweating
but the reason for me to continue dancing
is burning, burning my soul and screams
if I continue, continue to open it I can be saved
uchi e kaero  shiroi usagi
tsuki no ura de aimashou
kaerou  asu ni nareba
hadashi de  waratte iru kara
watashi wa yonde  yonde  dakishimeru yo
omoidashite  me o tojite  osanai koro
let's go home, let's meet 
behind the moon, white rabbit
let's return, when tomorrow comes
I'll be laughing barefeet 
I'll call, call and embrace it
so close your eyes and remember those innocent times
aruki tsukarete  furidasu ame
tsukami soko neta  usagi o otte
anata no me wa  suki tooru
kurai  umi no soko de  iki o shite iru mizu
namae o yonde  yonde  koko ni iru no yo
kokoro ni ieba  ieba  mitasareru no
getting tired of walking, the rain that began to fall
I chase after the rabbit I couldn't catch
your eyes are like the clear water
breathing deep down in the ocean
call my name, call me because I'm here
if I tell, tell my heart I'll be fulfilled


Transliterated by Pazuzu <lantis@gmail.com>

Translated by mink309

Разместил:Ev  Дата: 2009-08-10

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