Forbidden_City - аниме дневник, блог, журнал

Аниме дневник, блог, журнал пользователя сайта под именем Forbidden_City. Anime diary, blog, magazine from user by nickname Forbidden_City.

New Story: Chapter 0

I wanna know what it feels like when people separate.
I wanna know what does it feel like to know your own mistakes.
I want to see the future in you eyes.
I want to feel my life passing by as I look into your eyes.
Feelings are all over me.
I wanna know what it feels like to be around.
I want top breath you in.
Nothing new happaned in my life. I start it with Chapter 0. You are the first to know. I want to know what you think. I read people's dairies online, I see them through. Can you see me through?

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Дата написания: 12-01-2006 | 12:10 am | Forbidden_City ©


Hey, I wanna say sorry for missing so much time..but I missed you people though..You know and even when I'm back I see so many new faces(actually avtars, but it's ok..i guess)..and you know I'm glad sometimes it's even better when it's a lil more fresh blood in here..yeah, sounds like I'm saying "FRESH MEAT" would sound something like well I have some news, I gave up on my story, what else, I got into new scholl but I'M NOT Anime Club in school have more meetings..and we plan to cosplay..heh..(I'll be lil Gaara agian)..well who else can I be..unless I choose to be Kimimaro(the guy who can control his bones) sounds creepy but I actually like him..I don't know why but guys with weird eyes just get me so exited(if u know what I mean/ kiddin)..hmm..what else..I have few more new drawing but since we cann't upload them anymore I gave up on that..I'm drawing new comic book..with my new character..well he is simple but carries out a good emotions..umm...I think that's all I wanna say for now..I already wrote too much..(this is my character..well I did it in paint so it sux

Мое настроение: Confused.gif

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Дата написания: 04-16-2006 | 06:09 am | Forbidden_City ©

My new story!!

Ok, in topic lonely I said that I'm writing a story..a new one..a science fiction...This story is about our world being protected by another planet ..but there was a prophesy that one of their kind will resist to protect other planets and will destroy them...

Maybe one day I'll post it here...

Мое настроение: Ideas.gif

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Дата написания: 09-25-2005 | 09:06 am | Forbidden_City ©


I'm trying to remember why I was afraid....

But I know there is something more than my fear

I know that my life isn't what I need...

But know what is wrong...

But sometimes you see right through me....

This scears me to death..


Now you probably ask youslf whAt the hell is I know..I write here for the first time..and what I wrote is in my mind.....

P.S. I finally found my old avatar...and it doesn't work..fuck..

Мое настроение: Cying.gif

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Дата написания: 08-30-2005 | 10:08 pm | Forbidden_City ©

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