Nana Eikura - 57

Nana, Eikura, -, japan, япония, photo, model, idol, актриса, модель, фото, девушка
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Название картинки: Nana Eikura Japan photo model and idol 57. Японcкая актриса и модель. nana eikura 048 .

ГалереяЯпонские девушки | Японские девушки идолы | Japan girls , idols , фотоNana Eikura

Описание альбома: Like most of Japan’s idols, Nana made the transition from modelling into acting in 2004 and hasn’t looked back since. The first dorama I saw Nana acting was in the brilliant cheerleading series Dance Drill. She’s not afraid to go for controversial roles such as the incense movie I Love My Sister with Arashi frontman Jun Matsumoto. She was finally recognised by the viewers for her role in Proposal Daisakusen when she won a gong for Best Supporting Actress in the Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix awards. She hasn’t acted in a lot of doramas as I suppose she’s concentrating on her modelling career. I hope she gets more acting roles in the near future.

Тэги картинки: japan япония Nana Eikura photo model idol актриса модель фото девушка

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