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Энциклопедия / Аниме лирика | Anime lyrics / D / Devil May Cry : I'll be your home

Devil May Cry : I'll be your home | Даже дьявол может плакать : Я буду твоим домом


Don't look back
Don't regret
Time's falling out of these hands
I'll let you leave me

Go on,
You know Home is always inside your soul
All the light to bless your way
Don't be afraid
And I'll be your home

In this time
In this place
This moment is all we have
And tomorrow we never know

Every precious time
Let it go
Somewhere away
You will learn, And you'll love,
forgive the past and you can move on

All the distance
You've come to a place
Then you see that your home is away
Now the sun is rising
lighting up your sky again brightly

Every precious time
Let it go
Somewhere away
You will learn, And you'll love
forgive the past

Go on,
You know Home is always inside your soul
Where ever you go
Whatever you see
I'll be the place
And I'll be your home


Разместил:MaryLoved  Дата: 2009-09-17

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