Приключения Гамбы ТВ
Adventures of GanbaGanba Bouken TachiРежиссёр : Дэдзаки Осаму
Сценарий : Сайто Ацуо
Жанр : приключения комедия фэнтези
Страна : Япония
Кол-во серий : 26
Студия : TMS
Год выпуска : 1975
Формат : ТВ
Описание : adventures of ganba (приключения гамбы тв / ganba bouken tachi)
Без рецензии.
01. Out to sea, to adventure!
02. Ganba goes nuts onboard
03. Mission: Save Chûta!
04. Battered by a storm
05. What awaits on Battleship Island?
06. Fun, fun diving
07. Scary, scary black shadow
08. Bobos first love
09. Difficult battle with the black fox
10. Seven split boards going their separate ways
11. After Toragoro the swindler!
12. A party, a fight, an uproar
13. Special training!! Operation Moo-moo
14. Attack of a pack of hunting dogs
15. Ganba kidnapped by an eagle
16. Climbing formidable Crow Peak!
17. Run, run, for the weasel is near
18. Curious, fat mice
19. Flood Beach Island sinking in darkness
20. I saw a white weasel!
21. 13 eyes wet with tears
22. Friends from across the sea
23. Traitors Fortress
24. Whispers of a white devil
25. Grotto of hell
26. The last battle: The great whirlpool
Дата добавления аниме: March 23rd 2010
Разместил : Shuraganchik
Просмотров: 1935