Летопись войн острова Лодосс ТВ
Record of Lodoss War: Legend of the Heroic KnightLodoss Tou Senki: Eiyuu Kishi DenРежиссёр : Такамото Нобухиро
Сценарий : Мидзуно Рё
Жанр : приключения драма фэнтези
Страна : Япония
Кол-во серий : 27 + 27 спэшлов
Студия : AIC
Год выпуска : 1998
Формат : ТВ
Описание : record of lodoss war: legend of the heroic knight (летопись войн острова лодосс тв / lodoss tou senki: eiyuu kishi den)
Без рецензии.
01. The Free Knight... A New Legend Begins
02. Dragon... The Guardian of the Lost History
03. Knight... The Long Sought Hero
04. Pirates... The Ship of Dark Ambition
05. Demon Sword... The Power to Crush Souls
06. Heart... Scars Reborn
07. Death... A Gentle Heart Passes On
08. The Scepter of Domination... The Dream of a United Lodoss
09. The Young Knight... Tested Strength
10. Recovery... A Mission Assigned
11. Light... A Girl Guided by the Gods
12. Going to War... Pursuing a Dark Shadow
13. Nightmare... The Creeping Dark Power
14. Doorway... TheTruth Proclaimed
15. An Old Enemy... Reunion with the Black Knight
16. The Holy City... Pursuing a Clue
17. Decision... An Option Compelled
18. Mission... The Path One Follows
19. Reunion... In a Distant War-Torn Land
20. Counterattack... The Stolen Last Hope
21. A Step Towards the Future
22. Liberation... A Path Opened
23. Landing... The Terrifying Dark Island
24. The Witch... The One who Maintains the Balance of Power
25. Conclusion... The Black Knights Option
26. Destruction... The Evil God Released
27. Hero... The Birth of a New Knight
Кадры из аниме Record of Lodoss War: Legend of the Heroic Knight
Дата добавления аниме: April 2nd 2010
Разместил : Shuraganchik
Просмотров: 2367