Ди-Ги Карат Панё Панё
Panyo Panyo Di Gi CharatDiGi Charat Panyo PanyoРежиссёр : Такаянаги Сигэхито
Сценарий : Иноэ Тосики
Жанр : комедия
Страна : Япония
Кол-во серий : 48
Студия : Madhouse Studios
Год выпуска : 2002
Формат : ТВ
Описание : panyo panyo di gi charat (ди-ги карат панё панё / digi charat panyo panyo)
Без рецензии.
01. The First Story-nyo!
02. A Mysterious Cake Shop-nyo!
03. Were Going to Catch a Cat Thief-nyo!
04. Who is the Best Child-nyo?
05. Become a Star-nyo!
06. Being an Actress is Hard-nyo!
07. I am Going to be a Good Actress-nyo!
08. Leave the Last Scene to Me-nyo!
09. Noisy Bell Ringer-nyo!
10. Art is Hard-nyo!
11. The Magic Dress and the Party-nyo!
12. Lets Make Fun Times-nyo!
13. Di Gi Charats Thieving Squad Arrives
14. Whats Truly Pretty-nyo?
15. The Big Mr. Dolphin Saving Operation-nyo!
16. The Digi Charat Thief Gangs Big Pinch-nyo!
17. Yoo-hoo, Dijiko-pirate-nyo!
18. The Big Treasure Searching Adventure-nyo
19. Enter! The King of the Seas!
20. Whose Treasure is it?!
21. Panyo Panyo Machine in an Intense Race!
22. Fierce! Its the Pig Race!
23. Going Down the River with Love and a Guide!
24. Settling It with Eggs! The Finals!
25. Disappeared!? The Doughnut Incident!
26. A Huge Commotion at the Ghost Mansion!
27. I Want to Say Im Sorry!
28. Infiltrate! The Ghost Mansion!
29. Princess Dejiko is Targeted!
30. A Puppy Love Story!
31. From the Bodyguard, With Love!
32. Welcome to Planet Di Gi Charat!
33. A Grandma is the Princes Match?!
34. Flute-Playing Battle! Summon the Storm!
35. Welcome to the Gingerbread House!
36. Transform with Fighting Spirit?!
37. Trap! Trap? The Kitten Rescue Squad!
38. Looking Out for Fire is a Source of Fires!
39. The Treasure of a Stubborn Old Man!
40. Ill Always, Always Protect You!
41. Victory! Nap? Its the Long Distance Relay Race!
42. Shine, the First Star of Victory!
43. The Injury, the Shot and the Promise!
44. Serve! Receive! Big Explositon!
45. What Will happen, What To Do?! Its Christmas!
46. Its a Mysterious Handmade Present!
47. Deji Devils Counterattack!
48. Its the Panyo Panyo Christmas Party!
Кадры из аниме Ди-Ги Карат Панё Панё
Дата добавления аниме: April 3rd 2010
Разместил : Shuraganchik
Просмотров: 1881