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Youre Under Arrest!, Taiho Shichauzo!, Вы арестованы!, аниме, anime, анимэ

Вы арестованы!

Youre Under Arrest!
Taiho Shichauzo!
Вы арестованы! ТВ 1, Taiho Shichau zo: Youre Under Arrest (1996), Youre Under Arrest! 1996

Режиссёр : Нисимура Дзюндзи
Сценарий :
Жанр : приключения комедия полиция
Страна : Япония
Кол-во серий : 51 + спэшл
Студия : Studio Deen
Год выпуска :
Формат : ТВ
Описание :

youre under arrest! (вы арестованы! / taiho shichauzo!)

Первые четыре эпизода - это вышедшая прежде Youre Under Arrest OVA.

01. File 1: And So They Met
02. File 2: Tokyo Typhoon Rally
03. File 3: Loves Highway Stars
04. File 4: On the Road Again
05. File 5: The Beauty, Her Name is Aoi
06. File 6: Superintendent from Hell
07. File 7: Strike-Man Appears
08. File 8: Lucky Yorikos Great Match
09. File 9: Kens Mystery Woman
10. File 10: Opera Womans Scooter Crisis!
11. File 11: The Santa From Hell
12. File 12: Saoris Appearance
13. File 13: Hot Springs Resort
14. File 14: Manjou are scary!
15. File 15: Chies rematch challenge
16. File 16: Mystery biker
17. File 17: Moms only 20?
18. File 18: The strike girls
19. File 19: Zapper retrials
20. File 20: Sentai battle!
21. File 21: Natsumi & Miyuki. The bank robbers!
22. File 22: Yorikos day off
23. File 23: Sena and Daimarus wedding
24. File 24: Aoi-chans romance?
25. File 25: Striker. Strikes back!
26. File 26: Red dress and a knife
27. File 27: ABC driving school!
28. File 28: Thief #704
29. File 29: The battle for Miyuki. Kens challenger!
30. File 30: Department store disaster
31. File 31: The mysterious suitcase
32. File 32: Natsumis new supermachine
33. File 33: Eeeek! Its Toki the idol!
34. File 34: Disaster at 250 meters -- part 1
35. File 35: Disaster at 250 meters -- part 2
36. File 36: Maho-chans lost kitty (Chibi)
37. File 37: Train riding pickpockets
38. File 38: The newest officer, Toukairin
39. File 39: The challenge of beach volleyball man
40. File 40: Triple double date
41. File 41: Renegade cop -- part 1
42. File 42: Renegade cop -- part 2
43. File 43: Bokuto station peeping scandal
44. File 44: Halloween at the station
45. File 45: The summer of keeping promises
46. File 46: Training for kendo
47. File 47: Time limit
48. File 48: The End of Summer
49. File 49: Inspector Kinoshita
50. File 50: The Investigation at Bokuto Station
51. File 51: Bukutos Best Investigation Partners
52. File Special: Diverting Traffic at the Beach

Дата добавления аниме: April 6th 2010
Разместил : Shuraganchik

Просмотров: 2508

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