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Tomorrows Joe 2, Ashita no Joe 2, Завтрашний Джо ТВ 2, аниме, anime, анимэ

Завтрашний Джо ТВ 2

Tomorrows Joe 2
Ashita no Joe 2
Сценарий :
Жанр : спорт драма сёнэн
Страна : Япония
Кол-во серий : 47
Студия : TMS
Год выпуска :
Формат : ТВ
Описание :

tomorrows joe 2 (завтрашний джо тв 2 / ashita no joe 2)

Без рецензии.

01. And then, he returned...
02. Return to the ring
03. The conspiracy
04. The key weakness
05. Difficult moments
06. An old tactic
07. The arena closes
08. The secret blow of Carlos
09. The continuous dream
10. The Christmas present
11. The encounter of New Year`s Day
12. The encounter of New Year`s Day
13. A true friend
14. To seek out an adversary
15. Bad News
16. The title is still far away
17. An unexpected arrival
18. Icy eyes
19. Tobi, man or robot?
20. Weight problems
21. Tricky Uncle Frank
22. At all costs
23. The icy, wild animal
24. An exciting encounter
25. The 6th round miracle
26. Memories of an old champion
27. Heart of boxer
28. Joe in Hawaii
29. Defending the title
30. Episode 30
31. The sign of the champion
32. Return home
33. Another challenge
34. The incident
35. The champion hermit
36. The strategy of Alex
37. The tiger
38. Risky training
39. The punch-drunk fighter
40. The goal is near
41. Mendoza`s arrival
42. Alex`s fears
43. Mountain training
44. I love you, Joe
45. The battle begins
46. Joe does not surrender
47. The great end

Дата добавления аниме: April 14th 2010
Разместил : Shuraganchik

Просмотров: 2529

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