Непобедимая разносчица рамэна
Ramen Fighter MikiMuteki Kanban MusumeРежиссёр : Томидзава Нобуо
Сценарий : Садогава Дзюн
Жанр : комедия сёнэн
Кол-во серий : 12
Студия : Telecom Animation Film
Год выпуска : 2006
Формат : ТВ
Описание : ramen fighter miki (непобедимая разносчица рамэна / muteki kanban musume)
01. Invincible Poster Girl / Another Poster Girl
02. Challenger - Nishiyama Kankuro / Our Fight Isn't Over Yet!
03. An Impervious Enemy / Wanting to Wipe the Tears from that Child
04. Before the trip starts / Let me guide you
05. Let's see who must win / You're my stepping stone
06. Fight! Bark Bark VS Nya Nya / The rift that looked like red string
07. Peel off the Fake Smile / Sneaking in! The Demon's nest
08. That guy sure looks like he's the strongest / A bad guy is coming
09. A Falling Superstar / A Mother's Worry
10. Work for the Win / Sudden Fight! Nishiyama Kankuro VS Kannazuki Megumi
11. The guy lets his back do the talking / A deadly fight with a happy face
12. When you were broken / The buried party
Дата добавления аниме: November 5th 2007
Разместил : DeFoX
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