Волшебный театр Омиси: Риски и Сэйфти
Omishi Magical Theater Risky SafetyOmishi Mahou Gekijou: Risky/SafetyРежиссёр : Масунари Кодзи
Сценарий : Омиси Рэй
Жанр : комедия фэнтези сёдзё
Страна : Япония
Кол-во серий : 24
Студия : Studio A.P.P.P.
Год выпуска : 1999
Формат : ТВ
Описание : omishi magical theater risky safety (волшебный театр омиси: риски и сэйфти / omishi mahou gekijou: risky/safety)
01. Happiness or unhappiness: death angel
02. Angels dont lie
03. Deadly angel arrow
04. Cry, laugh and argue: this is distasteful
05. Liry, liry, liry liar
06. Goodbye, November lullaby
07. Flowers,Fazzy and a little angel
08. The temptation of on apprentice shinigami
09. Pursuit without Attainment
10. A Happy Doll
11. Garden of Too Many Secrets
12. Lets Begin From I Hate You
13. Embrace Me as Many Times as There Are Fortunes
14. The Legend of Momotaro
15. The Legend of SUPER Momotaro
16. Have Faith and Stand Tall
17. Safeteen Powers
18. Safetin Powers Deluxe
19. Im So Happy
20. The Light Blue Stripe
21. Stop the World!
22. Go Away Tears! Be Blown Away by the Wind!
23. Because Were Here
24. The Most Joyful Unhappiness
Дата добавления аниме: August 10th 2010
Разместил : Shuraganchik
Просмотров: 1934