Безответственный капитан Тайлор ТВ
Irresponsible Captain Tylor TVMusekinin Kanchou Tylor TVРежиссёр : Масимо Койти
Сценарий : Ёсиока Хитоси
Жанр : приключения комедия фантастика
Страна : Япония
Кол-во серий : 26
- Год выпуска : 1993
Формат : ТВ
Описание : irresponsible captain tylor tv (безответственный капитан тайлор тв / musekinin kanchou tylor tv)
01. The Mysterious Irresponsible Man
02. Hey, Ho! The Happy Pensioned Life!
03. The Ship Sets Sail, but Misgivings Remain
04. Enemy! Crisis! We Surrender!
05. Angel in White' Begins With an H
06. The Tale of the Lizard's Tail
07. A Gentleman's Word is His Bond
08. Life is Short, So Girls Should Kill
09. When You Wish Upon a Flower
10. Mind's Eyes Half Blind, Headed For a Rough Ride
11. In Demotion Does a Woman Bloom
12. The Day the Soyokaze Vanished
13. Be Prepared, Be Smart, or Be Lucky
14. Equation of Kindness
15. Shiny! Happy! (Deadly) Germs!
16. Strange Love
17. The Unjust Desert
18. A Place for Confession
19. Sleeping Beauty
20. Well Handled Solutions
21. Paco-Paco Junior!
22. Force of One
23. The Longest Day in Space
24. Snap! Snap! Crackle! Snap!
25. My Way is the Hard Way
26. For His Was Genius No Rule Could Contain
Дата добавления аниме: November 5th 2010
Разместил : Lupita
Просмотров: 1813