Бесполезные Зверушки
Useless AnimalsDamekko DoubutsuРежиссёр : Сибуйти Сэцуко
Сценарий : Кувата Норико
Жанр : комедия
Кол-во серий : 26
Студия : Magic Bus
Год выпуска : 2005
Формат : ТВ
Описание : useless animals (бесполезные зверушки / damekko doubutsu)
01. Uruno Comes to the Forest!
02. The Moon, Dried Squid and Unicorn
03. The Bear Siblings
04. Cornering, Being Cornered, White Clover
05. The Black Demon at the Edge of the Forest
06. The First Friend
07. The Green Tragedy
08. The Talented Youngster and the Family of Cat Girls
09. A Really Small Happiness
10. Useless God, Please!
11. Swim! Sakamata-kun
12. A Midsummer Night's Test of Courage
13. The Useless God Gets Angry!
14. Indeed, It Really Happened. A Story I Made up Just Now
15. A Chance Will Come One Day... Right?
16. Caught at the Susuki Field
17. Lovey Dovey Horse Hotspring
18. Usahara's Depression
19. Let Me Join Your Group Of Friends
20. Playing on My Own on a Long Autumn Night
21. Useless Suspense Theater - Who is the Criminal?
22. The Miracle of Christmas
23. The Rolly Polly New Year
24. The Flames of Jealousy Are Flaring Up
25. Surprise! Curer of Uselessness-sama
26. Goodbye Uruno-kun
Кадры из аниме Damekko Doubutsu

Дата добавления аниме: February 27th 2010
Разместил : Shuraganchik
Просмотров: 2765