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Princess Memory, Princess Memory, Воспоминания принцессы,

Воспоминания принцессы

Princess Memory
Режиссёр : Томи Ко
Сценарий :
Жанр : хентай
Кол-во серий : 2
Студия : L-Heart
Год выпуска :
Формат : OAV, 30 мин.
Описание :

princess memory (воспоминания принцессы / princess memory)

Ох, не легко бороться с раздвоением личности... Особенно, когда раздваивается одна девушка, а достается всем окружающим! Для того, чтобы вернуть в прежнее "не разобранное" состояние принцессу и вытащить ее из комы, необходимо совладать со всеми ее разлетевшимися частями. Очень часто, совладать в "том самом" смысле...

Reviewer: Rowena Lim Lei (11.6.2005)

A young man named Collin encounters a beautiful girl named Feelia in his dream. Feelia is asking him to save her. Thus Collin decides to venture into a mysterious cave where Feelia's voice is leading him to, only to be warned off by one of the village elders. Luckily for Collin, a female adventurer named Lily comes to stay at his inn that same day. Collin and Lily decide to explore the cave, and they actually do find a girl named Feelia. The problem is, Feelia is not herself -- it seems she has lost her soul. What will it take to save Feelia?

Princess Memory most probably originated from an adventure-type bishoujo game wherein the hero needs to rescue a damsel-in-distress while not necessarily ending up with her due to the sheer number of available girls. I have reason to believe that the bishoujo game it's based on is good due to the plot concept, but as is usually the case, the anime conversion is not so great.

Princess Memory starts off with three characters: the hero Collin, and two girls who manage an inn with him -- Pony and Sallian. At this point we already know that Feelia is calling out to Collin in his dreams, then conveniently enough the female adventurer Lily checks in. If this were a game setting, you would probably be prompted to choose one girl to focus on and end up with -- Pony, Sallian, Lily, or Feelia. But this is a hentai anime, thus without further ado, Collin loses his virginity to Lily and eventually ends up having *** with every other female character in the story while trying to save Feelia.

Oddly enough, my main problem with Princess Memory is the fact that there is way too much "love" that's not in any way convincing. Collin claims to love Feelia's whole being, which is theoretically impossible since he doesn't even know Feelia. He just sees her pleading for him to save her in his dreams. Pony and Sallian are also both in love with Collin, but Sallian also loves Pony and so she is willing to sacrifice herself for Pony and Collin's happiness. Lily, who's relatively a newcomer, also has her share of love in this picture. She does everything to help Collin and company in the quest to save Feelia, even at the risk of her own life. Is it because Collin is the only man in the series? The whole harem situation is just plain absurd, but then again this is usually the case with anime in general, not just hentai.

Art and animation-wise, Princess Memory is pretty good. I was satisfied with the character designs. Collin looks decent and the girls all have their own distinct beauties. *** is portrayed suprisingly well, and it does come off as if Collin were really trying his very best to pleasure the girls instead of having all the fun himself. There's ample foreplay and even a bit of afterplay, which is quite unusual in hentai anime. The level of detail is adequate as well, as every part of the anatomy is shown in its full uncensored glory.

Princess Memory is overall an okay hentai feature. Sure, the sequence of events leaves something to be desired and the ending is equally unsatisfying, but that about describes most of the hentai out there. At least everyone looked like they had loads of fun screwing around.

Princess Memory is made up of two half-hour volumes.

Дата добавления аниме: May 11th 2007
Разместил : Гость

Просмотров: 11444

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