Король-Шаман – Мелодия духов ОСТ
Shaman King - Melody of the Spirits OST Жанр : jrock jpop
Кол-во серий : 34
- Год выпуска : 2002
Формат : CD
Озвучивали : Megumi Hayashibara, Go Takahashi
Описание : shaman king - melody of the spirits ost (король-шаман – мелодия духов ост / shaman king - melody of the spirits ost )
Сборник сонгов к аниме Король-Шаман.
02 - Melody of the Spirits Mera Saiko!
03 - Melody of the Spirits Nantoka narusa
04 - Melody of the Spirits Manjen no 1 page
05 - Melody of the Spirits In America
06 - Melody of the Spirits Dotabata
07 - Melody of the Spirits Tomo no tasuke
08 - Melody of the Spirits Haritsumeta kuki
09 - Melody of the Spirits Himeta omoi
10 - Melody of the Spirits Hikari to kage
11 - Melody of the Spirits Kikkou
12 - Melody of the Spirits Unmei
13 - Melody of the Spirits Rinnetensei
14 - Melody of the Spirits Ainu no hokori
15 - Melody of the Spirits Chuka sakuretsu
16 - Melody of the Spirits Okami no uta
17 - Melody of the Spirits Seigi no shisha (X-Laws)
18 - Melody of the Spirits Dakaisaku
19 - Melody of the Spirits 600 nen me no yakusoku
20 - Melody of the Spirits Innen
21 - Melody of the Spirits Taiji
22 - Melody of the Spirits Seiiki
23 - Melody of the Spirits Gishin
24 - Melody of the Spirits Kanashiki kako
25 - Melody of the Spirits Rinsen taisei
26 - Melody of the Spirits S.O.F.
27 - Melody of the Spirits New Style
28 - Melody of the Spirits Shaman Fight
29 - Melody of the Spirits Hyoi gattai
30 - Melody of the Spirits Manta no ichinichi
31 - Melody of the Spirits Akusen kuto
32 - Melody of the Spirits Happy Life
33 - Melody of the Spirits Yuru
34 - Melody of the Spirits Omokage (TV version)
Дата добавления аниме: February 16th 2011
Разместил : Lupita
Просмотров: 1775