Моя богиня! (сезон второй)
Ah! My Goddess: Everyone Has WingsAa Megami-sama: Sorezore no TsubasaРежиссёр : Года Хироаки
Сценарий : Фудзисима Косукэ
Жанр : комедия романтика фэнтези драма
Кол-во серий : 22 эп. + 2
Студия : AIC
Год выпуска : 2006
Формат : ТВ
Описание : ah! my goddess: everyone has wings (моя богиня! (сезон второй) / aa megami-sama: sorezore no tsubasa)
01. Ah! Wish, One More Time!
02. Ah! The Troubled Queen of Revenge!
03. Ah! I Offer You This Feeling on Christmas Eve!
04. Ah! I want to fill the world with happiness!
05. Ah! The Wavelength That Captivates Love!
06. Ah! Is that jealousy!?
07. Ah! I Will Fulfill Your Wish!
08. Ah! I Want to Be of Help to You!
09. Ah! The Goddesses Decide the Victory With a Date!
10. Ah! That One Word I Can't Get Myself to Say!
11. Ah! Grab Your Dream With That Hand!
12. Ah! The Tears of a Goddess and His Dream!
13. Ah! Wake Up! That Feeling!
14. Ah! My Dear Cupid!
15. Ah! Myself: The Goddess and the Devil?
16. Ah! Not Fearing the Darkness, Shine Brightly!
17. Ah! The Advent of the Great Demon Leader!
18. Ah! Do Devils Have Dignity?
19. Ah! A Goddess' Love Can Save the Ninjas!
20. Ah! The Place Doesn't Matter As Long As the Two of Us Are Together!
21. Ah! Is It All Right Even If I'm a Demon?
22. Ah! A Goddess's Confession of Love!
01. Ah! The Promise That Time Exceed (23.02.2007)
02. Ah! The song of the lover that shakes the heart!? (23.02.2007)
Дата добавления аниме: May 9th 2007
Разместил : Ev
Рейтинг аниме : 

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