Император джунглей ТВ 1
Kimba the White LionJungle TaiteiРежиссёр : Ринтаро
Сценарий : Тэдзука Осаму
Жанр : приключения сказка
Страна : Япония
Кол-во серий : 52
Студия : Mushi Productions
Год выпуска : 1965
Формат : ТВ
Описание : kimba the white lion (император джунглей тв 1 / jungle taitei)
Первый в Японии цветной ТВ-сериал.
01. Go, Panja`s child
02. Desert storm
03. Animal school
04. Fierce bull Samson
05. The continent as one remembers
06. Starved savanna
07. The duel in Donga
08. Crazy Clouds
09. The king with wings
10. Two hearts
11. Conga Hunting Ground (first part)
12. Conga Hunting Ground (second part)
13. Big chorus in the thick forest
14. Androcres story
15. Egg, Egg, Egg
16. The flaming river
17. The strange blue snake
18. Vera and a medal
19. The forbidden hut
20. Confusion in the restaurant
21. Sandy comes back
22. Old boy Percy
23. The gigantic insect
24. Mammy in the forest
25. The little elephant Jumbo
26. Meat of peace
27. The sad chameleon
28. The wildcat Mu
29. The carnivorous plant Araune
30. The tracking journey
31. The mystery of dead man`s cave
32. The last poacher
33. The case of tuskless Huke
34. The counterattack of Black Panther Totto (part one)
35. The counterattack of Black Panther Totto (part two)
36. The monster in Mask Valley
37. The howling statue of evil
38. The island of volcanic lake
39. The crazed season
40. The rowdy ones of the plains
41. The wondering gods of death
42. The mischievous deed
43. The raged Chimiset
44. The Rainbow Valley
45. The illusionary mountain
46. Jane from the town
47. The spotted spider
48. The Red Tusk
49. The tree of the morning sun
50. Explorer Otto
51. The big shrine on the Nile
52. The man-eating lion
Дата добавления аниме: March 24th 2010
Разместил : Shuraganchik
Просмотров: 2455