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Blue Seed, Aokushimitama Blue Seed, Голубое семя ТВ, аниме, anime, анимэ

Голубое семя ТВ

Blue Seed
Aokushimitama Blue Seed
Режиссёр : Камия Дзюн
Сценарий :
Жанр : комедия романтика ужасы фантастика
Страна : Япония
Кол-во серий : 26
Студия : Production I.G
Год выпуска :
Формат : ТВ
Описание :

blue seed (голубое семя тв / aokushimitama blue seed)

Без рецензии.

01. Princess Kushinada
02. Its Cruel! Its Mysterious! Its My Destiny!
03. Its Spring! Its the Capital! Ill Do My Best!
04. More Bad Luck! Why Does This Always Happen to Me?
05. Suprise! Shes the Mother of Science!
06. Complicated and Hard to Understand! Being a Man Puts You Into Such a Difficult Position!
07. Im Fired Up! Ill Do It! Because Im the Kushinada!
08. What? How Strange! A Rival Appears!
09. Are You Serious? Is This a Dream? An Exciting Date!
10. Innocence! Love! My First Kiss!
11. Irritating! Jealous?! Unbelievable!
12. Can You Feel It? I Cant Ignore It! An Ominous Premonition of Catastrophe!
13. I Love You! This is so Extreme! Its Time to Confess!
14. A Chase Down Yamato Highway! Love Under Fire!
15. Lost & Trembling on a Trip to Michinoku
16. Japan is a Paradise! Tears in Wakasa
17. Let it Bloom Japan! A Blizzard of One-sided Love!
18. Geez! Oh, Man! Sakuras Not Good Enough?
19. Heat Haze! Start on a Journey! Love, I Wont be Far From You
20. Im Home! Izumo! The Prologue of Hope!
21. Goodbye? No Way! Separation with Tears?
22. Sadness, Fate, Momiji Kushinada
23. Meeting Again, Starting the Journey, I Wont Give Up!
24. The Setting Sun, the Coming Day, a Private Time for Each One
25. All or Nothing! Decision! My Fate!
26. New Soul

Дата добавления аниме: April 1st 2010
Разместил : Shuraganchik

Просмотров: 1696

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