MedabotsMedarotРежиссёр : Окамура Тэнсай
Сценарий : Хорумарин
Жанр : приключения комедия фантастика сёнэн
Страна : Япония
Кол-во серий : 52
Студия : Bee Train
Год выпуска : 1999
Формат : ТВ
Описание : medabots (медарот / medarot)
На основе одноимённой видеоигры.
01. Stung By A Metabee
02. Return of the Screws
03. Running Scared
04. The Legendary Medafighter
05. The Old Man and the Sea Monster
06. The Gimme Ghost
07. Cyandog Bites Back
08. For Better, For Worse Pt 1
09. For Better, For Worse Pt 2
10. Mystery Medabot
11. Phantom Renegade: Unmasked
12. Ban All Medabots
13. Meet Your Meda-Maker
14. The Spy Who Robattled Me
15. I Dream of Hushi
16. Metabee vs. Rokusho
17. Use the Medaforce (a.k.a. Discovery of Medaforce)
18. Fifteen Minutes of Shame
19. Enter Rintaro
20. The Ace From Outer Space
21. Me and My Shadow Sword
22. Dude, Wheres My Ma?
23. X-treme Measures
24. The Road To Ruins (a.k.a. Raiders of the Lost Medabot)
25. Operatie Kever Chaos
26. The Mother of All Robattles
27. Spaceship Superstars
28. For Love or Robattle
29. Dance with the Mantis
30. Once Frostbitten, Twice Shy
31. Bridge Over Troubled Squidguts (a.k.a. Robattle Bridge)
32. No Body Home
33. Welcome To Ninja World
34. Eat, Drink, Man, Medabot
35. Theres Something About Miss Mimosa
36. The Birds and the Metabees
37. Skyward, Yo!
38. Love At First Bite
39. Heavy Medal
40. Let the Meda-Games Begin
41. Pixies and Pirates!
42. The French Deception
43. Space Medaballerina X
44. Swede and Sour
45. Futures Past
46. The Medaforce Within
47. A Date With Destiny
48. Calm Before The Storm
49. Taking the Victor Out of Victory
50. Altered States
51. Waking To A Dream
52. Metabees Last Stand
Дата добавления аниме: April 2nd 2010
Разместил : Shuraganchik
Просмотров: 2416