Рыцари коллекции монстров ТВ
Mon Colle KnightsRokumon Tengai Monkore KnightРежиссёр : Аоки Ясунао
Сценарий : Акахори Сатору
Жанр : приключения комедия фэнтези романтика
Страна : Япония
Кол-во серий : 51
Студия : Studio DEEN
Год выпуска : 2000
Формат : ТВ
Описание : mon colle knights (рыцари коллекции монстров тв / rokumon tengai monkore knight)
Игра Monster Collection компании Group SNE послужила основой манги Mon Colle Knights (Rokumon Tengai Mon Colle Knight) и данного анимационного сериала. На этой же игре основана и манга Сэя Ито.
01. Just Another Mon-Day
02. Send In the Frogs
03. The Giant and the Steed
04. The Vampire Strikes Back
05. To See Your Smile Again
06. Under The Temple Into Hot Water
07. Pork Bellies: New Beginnings
08. Friend Or Phobia
09. Ms. Loons Big Adventure
10. Beginner and The Snow Ram
11. These Boots Were Made For Flyin
12. The Dream Team
13. Knockout Punch-Punch
14. Oh Brother
15. Fangs for the Knight-Mare
16. A Giant Pain in the Mondo
17. Eccentro in the Temple of Dumb
18. Ring-A-Ding Ding
19. The Eel Thing
20. Mirror Mirror, Off the Wall
21. Secret Orbs and Spices
22. Something Snaky This Way Comes
23. Try, Triathlon Again
24. Experts Beginning Knights
25. Practice Makes Messes
26. Ogopogo Gone Loco
27. The Good, the Bad, and the Mondo
28. Attack of the Fifty-foot Lovestar
29. One Step Ogre the Line
30. The Mon World Series
31. Fowl Play
32. Touched By a Mondo 1
33. Touched By a Mondo 2
34. Sheep Trick
35. All You Need is Lava
36. Cleanliness is Next to Mondoness
37. Fairy, Fairy, Quite Contrary
38. Loon Struck
39. That Worm Feeling
40. Redda Returns
41. Lovestar Can Help Too
42. Calling All Monsters
43. The Last Monster Item
44. The End of Mon World as We Know It
45. The Prophecy of the Golden Dragon
Дата добавления аниме: April 7th 2010
Разместил : Shuraganchik
Рейтинг аниме : 

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