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Baccano!, BACCANO!, Шумиха!, аниме, anime, анимэ


Режиссёр : Омори Такахиро
Сценарий :
Жанр : приключения история фэнтези
Кол-во серий : ТВ (13 эп) 25 мин
Год выпуска :
Формат : ТВ сериал
Описание :

baccano! (шумиха! / baccano!)

01. The Assistant Editor Refuses to Discuss the Possibility that he is the Main Character
02. In Spite of the Old Woman''s Anxieties the Trans-Continental Train Departs
03. Randy and Pezzo are Busy Getting Ready for the Party
04. Ladd Russo Enjoys Talking a Lot and Killing a Lot
05. Jacuzzi Splot Cries, Cowers, and Shows His Mettle
06. The Rail Tracer Maneuvers Through the Train Slaughtering Many
07. Everything Began on Board the Advena Avis
08. Isaac and Miria Spread Happiness Without Realizing It
09. Claire Stanfield Faithfully Executes Her Professional Duties
10. Czeslaw Meyer is Frightened by the Shadow of an Immortal and Reflects Upon His Shceme
11. Chane LaForet is Silent Before the Two Mysterious People
12. Firo and the Gandor Brothers are Shot Down
13. Both the Life of an Immortal and a Mortal are Equally Glorified

Дата добавления аниме: October 7th 2008
Разместил : Jilli
Рейтинг аниме :
Просмотров: 4377

В видео архиве:
Lux Perpetua - amv
testosteROS - amv
Стиляги - amv
Rumble in the New York - amv
Faction - amv
Beat Drop - amv
The Perfect Pair - amv

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Комментарии (отзывы) к аниме :

2009-01-16 13:12:51
Мои баллы:

Вещь! Жуткая смесь юмора, ужасов, мистики и драмы (хотя её совсев чуть-чуть)! Мечта человечества о вечной жизни обьигрывается совершенно нереальным образом!

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