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3000 Miles In Search of Mother, Haha o Tazunete Sanzenri, 3000 лиг в поисках матери [ТВ], аниме, anime, анимэ

3000 лиг в поисках матери [ТВ]

3000 Miles In Search of Mother
Haha o Tazunete Sanzenri
Режиссёр : Такахата Исао
Сценарий :
Жанр : приключения драма
Кол-во серий : 52
Год выпуска :
Формат : ТВ , 25 мин.
Описание :

3000 miles in search of mother (3000 лиг в поисках матери [тв] / haha o tazunete sanzenri)

Без рецензии.

01. Dont Go, Mother
02. Marco, Genovese Boy
03. Sunday in the Port Town
04. I Hate You, Dad
05. Buddy Emilio
06. Marcos Payday
07. Small Ocean on the Roof
08. Merry Peppinos Band
09. Sorry, Dad
10. Mothers Buenos Aires
11. Mothers Letter
12. Day of the Flight of the Hot-Air Balloon
13. Goodbye, Fiolina
14. Marcos Decision
15. Sail on, Folgore
16. A Little Cook
17. Neptunes Revel
18. Rio Immigrant Ship
19. Shining Stars of the Southern Cross
20. Night of the Big Storm
21. The La Plata is the River of Silver
22. Town Where Mother is
23. Another Mother
24. Fiolina Waiting
25. Peppinos Band is a Hit
26. To the Pampa
27. Fiolinas Tears
28. Barbossa Ranc
29. Snow Falls
30. Old Gaucho Carlos
31. A Long Night
32. We Said Goodbye
33. No Mother
34. I Need To Go Back To Genova
35. Mothers Dear Writing
36. Farewell, Bahia Blanca
37. Endless Journey
38. Its Also Hard For Mother
39. Rosy Daybreak In Rosario
40. A Shining Italian Star
41. If I Could Go Home With Mother...
42. New Friend Pablo
43. Somewhere In This Town
44. I Want To Save Fuana
45. Far To The North
46. Trip By Cow-Drawn Carriage
47. Mother Is At The Foot Of That Mountain
48. Dont Die, My Burro
49. Mother`s Calling
50. Run, Marco!
51. Finally To Mother
52. Back To Genova With Mother

Дата добавления аниме: October 17th 2008
Разместил : Аноним

Просмотров: 3822

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