Похождения Кота в Сапогах ТВ
Adventures of Puss-in-BootsNagagutsu o Haita Neko no BoukenРежиссёр : Исидзаки Сусуму
Сценарий : Шарль Перро
Жанр : приключения фэнтези романтика
Страна : Япония
Кол-во серий : 26
Год выпуска : 1992
Формат : Полнометражный фильм
Описание : adventures of puss-in-boots (похождения кота в сапогах тв / nagagutsu o haita neko no bouken)
01. The Birth of Puss 'n Boots
02. A 100 Year Sleep is a Blessing
03. Waltz of the Glass Shoes
04. Don't Eat the Poison Apple!!
05. Sea of Mermaids, Sea of Seven Colors
06. Kusto Becomes a Designer?!
07. Stolen Magic Lamp
08. The Password is Open Sesame?!
09. Rise to the Clouds, Magic Tree
10. Run!! For Friendship
11. Dream Knight of La Mancha
12. Three Sneezes, Prophecy of Death
13. Where is Love Dancing on the Lake?
14. One Day Suddenly, a Prince?!
15. Ivan and the Magic Pony
16. A Wonderful, Wonderful Violin
17. Witch of the Land of Ice
18. Candy House in the Forest
19. Arrow of Freedom in Flight
20. Astonishing!! The King's Ear
21. The Worst Bride in History?!
22. Title: "The Little Match-Seller"
23. If You Could Talk with the Animals?!
24. Pierre Turned into a Vampire!
25. My Idols, the Three Musketeers
26. Zakir Discovered! Princess Sara Awakes
Дата добавления аниме: April 5th 2012
Разместил : Shuraganchik
Просмотров: 2016