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Meg the Witch Girl, Majokko Megu-chan, Кудесница Мэгу-тян, аниме, anime, анимэ

Кудесница Мэгу-тян

Meg the Witch Girl
Majokko Megu-chan
Режиссёр : Сэрикава Юго
Жанр : махо-сёдзё комедия сёдзё
Страна : Япония
Кол-во серий : 72
Студия : Toei Animation
Год выпуска :
Формат : ТВ
Описание :

meg the witch girl (кудесница мэгу-тян / majokko megu-chan)

01. Here Comes the Pretty Witch
02. That Girls a Rival
03. Lots of Witches
04. The Light of Home
05. Witch of Love
06. Papa cant afford to Laugh
07. My Longing for Megu
08. A Genius at Venting his Anger
09. True Hearts Song
10. Marvelous Balloon Trip
11. Messenger from the Moon
12. Bow-Wow Riot
13. Duel! The Magical Mansion!
14. Vision of a Harp
15. Papas Lover?!
16. From the Sky with Love
17. Two Megu Chans
18. The Old Castles Love Story
19. Good-bye, Mr. Ghost
20. Walk, Miru-chan!
21. Ex-Witch Granny Chuck
22. When do the Stars fall into the Sea?
23. Great Operation: Tearful Humiliation
24. The Stolen Dress
25. The Vision of a Boy
26. Terrfic Magical Battle
27. The Scorpions Curse
28. A Babys Fuss
29. The Angels Tear
30. The Mystery of The Abused Girl
31. Echo of Love
32. Shadow of a Witch Fluttering her Wings
33. Saturns Messenger
34. Uninvited Guests
35. The White Horse, Upstairs in our House
36. The Dolls that Left
37. Strange Transfer Student
38. Paper Planes Bound Far Away
39. Santas Name: Apo
40. Great Tomboy Race!
41. The Lost Polar Bear
42. Friendship at the Snow Festival
43. The Snow Birds Secert
44. The Age of Rebellion is Here
45. Red Shoes of Friendship
46. Tale of North Spring Winds
47. Spring in a Yacht
48. A Dolls Poem
49. Pinwheels Song
50. The Flying Bag
51. Please Take Care of Tarou
52. Gonbee has Returned
53. The Demon Worlds Failure
54. Missing Cat
55. Whos The Criminal?
56. Secert of The White Lily
57. Carp Streamers High in the Sky
58. Where are you, Gonbee?
59. The Girl in The Rain
60. Young Masters Great Circus
61. Rainman
62. Due by Midnight, Bound for The Witch Kindgom
63. The Blue Star of Tanabata
64. The Fuss of Not Swiming
65. The Dreamy Trolley Car
66. Foggy Morning Paper, Tarou
67. The Guitar and the Boy
68. Nya-Nya! Summer Vacation!
69. Revenge Dog Sigma
70. Great Kite, Fly me with the Sea Wind
71. Final Battle: The Greatest Magic!
72. Farewell, Megu-Chan

Дата добавления аниме: April 6th 2012
Разместил : Shuraganchik

Просмотров: 2659

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