Ресторан Ужасов
Thriller RestaurantKaidan RestaurantРежиссёр : Икэда Ёко
Сценарий : Мацутани Миёко
Жанр : приключения мистика ужасы школа
Кол-во серий : >13
Студия : Toei Animation
Год выпуска : 2009
Формат : ТВ
Описание : thriller restaurant (ресторан ужасов / kaidan restaurant)
01. Kaidan Restaurant / The Kikiimora Doll / The Girl Has Gone
02. Cat Goes to School / The Path to the Bottomless Pond / Become a Flounder
03. Good-Bye / The Midnight Princess / Passenger on a Rainy Night
04. Spirited Away / The Old Woman at Wells Bottom / White Muffler
05. The Wolves Glittering Eyes / Shinigami Killer / You Are Next
06. Scary School / House on the Ridge / Princess of the Pot
07. Lady Car / Tatty / Bells from the Afterlife
08. Room 31 / Dont Turn Around / The Broken Photocopier
09. I Saw My Funeral / Gift From the Water Fairy / My Wife Vanished in Morocco
10. The Mansion of Blue Flames / Her Little White House / The Ringtone from Beyond
11. Whose Coat is This? / Monster Mansion / You`ve Got a Hand on Your Back
Кадры из аниме Thriller Restaurant
Дата добавления аниме: February 27th 2010
Разместил : Shuraganchik
Просмотров: 3523