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Revolutionary Girl Utena, Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Юная революционерка Утэна ТВ, аниме, anime, анимэ

Юная революционерка Утэна ТВ

Revolutionary Girl Utena
Shoujo Kakumei Utena
Режиссёр : Икухара Кунихико
Сценарий :
Жанр : драма психология сёдзё приключения
Кол-во серий : 39
Студия : J.C.Staff
Год выпуска :
Формат : ТВ 25 мин.
Описание :

revolutionary girl utena (юная революционерка утэна тв / shoujo kakumei utena)

01. The Rose Bride
02. For Whom The Rose Smiles
03. On The Night Of The Ball
04. The Sunlit Garden - Prelude
05. The Sunlit Garden - Finale
06. Beware, Nanami-sama!
07. Unfulfilled Juri
08. The Great Curry High Trip!
09. The Castle Said To Hold Eternity
10. Nanami`s Precious One
11. Gracefully Cruel; The One Who Picks the Flower
12. Perhaps for Friendship`s Sake
13. Plotting a Locus
14. The Boys of the Black Rose
15. Landscape Framed by Kozue
16. The Cowbell of Happiness
17. Thorns of Death
18. Mitsuru`s Growing Pains
19. Song of a Fallen Kingdom
20. Wakaba Hath Flourished Verdantly
21. Troublesome Insects
22. Nemuro Memorial Hall
23. Qualifications of a Duelist
24. The Secret Nanami-sama Diary
25. Our Eternal Apocalypse
26. Miki`s Nest Box
27. Nanami`s Egg
28. Whispers in the Darkness
29. Azure Blue Paler Than the Sky
30. The Barefoot Girl
31. Her Tragedy
32. Romance of the Dancing Girls
33. The Prince Who Runs Though The Night
34. The Seal of the Rose
35. The Love That Blossomed in the Winter
36. And in the Night the Gates Opened
37. The One That Will Revolutionize the World
38. The Ends of the World
39. Someday, We`ll Shine Together

Дата добавления аниме: March 5th 2007
Разместил : Ev
Рейтинг аниме :
Просмотров: 8742

В видео архиве:
Odorikuruu - amv
Memory Flash 2: Freedom - amv
Timelock - amv
And Now, a Word From Our Sponsors - amv
Lovers And Dreamers - amv
Pretty Sparkles: Remixed - amv
Radiance - amv
Something Fishy - amv
Odorikuruu - amv
Saudade - amv
Thorns and Roses - amv
AMV - Steel Fenders - Woodkid - Iron - by Umika

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