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G-Taste: A Taste of Honey, G-Taste: A Taste of Honey, G-Taste: Вкус меда ,

G-Taste: Вкус меда

G-Taste: A Taste of Honey
Режиссёр : Hiroki Yagami
Жанр : drama hentai
Кол-во серий : 3
Студия : Kodansha Planet MiPic Green Bunny
Год выпуска :
Формат : OVA
Описание :

g-taste: a taste of honey (g-taste: вкус меда / g-taste: a taste of honey)

Three beautiful women... involved in VERY scandalous behavior.

 Moe Yagisawa is an office worker who cannot seem to get through the day without masturbating against some pole or beam... and usually in full view of other people... which can get her in a lot of trouble if she got caught.

Nana Morimura is hired as a maid in a very large mansion. However, her employer Mai Kannazuki gets her involved in an erotic world of *** and *** lust.

And Nana also has her skeletons in the closet as well, involved in an S&M affair with the mansion's owner. However, on the night of a big celebration, it will be Mai who will the know the heights of ecstasy when her 'master' involves her in an erotic free-for-all with the maids.

Дата добавления аниме: December 16th 2007
Разместил : Ev

Просмотров: 15064

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