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Filth in the Beauty, Filth in the Beauty, Filth in the Beauty,

Filth in the Beauty

Filth in the Beauty
Режиссёр : PS Company
Жанр : rock/metal
Студия : the GazettE
Год выпуска :
Формат : CD+DVD
Описание :

filth in the beauty (filth in the beauty / filth in the beauty)


Filth in the Beauty -Optical Impression-

Disc one
  1. "Filth in the Beauty" – 4:11
  2. "Rich Excrement" – 3:12
Disc two (DVD)
  1. "Filth in the Beauty" – 4:11
  2. "Making of Filth in the Beauty"

Filth in the Beauty -Auditory Impression-

  1. "Filth in the Beauty" – 4:11
  2. "Rich Excrement" – 3:12
  3. "Crucify Sorrow" – 4:06

Дата добавления аниме: April 27th 2010
Разместил : Shuraganchik

Просмотров: 1675

В видео архиве:
the GazettE - Filth in the Beauty

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