Инуяся – Фильм ОСТ 2
Inu-Yasha Movie OST 2 Inu-Yasha Kagami no Naka no MugenjouЖанр : jrock jpop
Кол-во серий : 37
- Год выпуска : 2004
Формат : CD
Описание : inu-yasha movie ost 2 (инуяся – фильм ост 2 / inu-yasha kagami no naka no mugenjou)
1. Daigumo, Naraku (Giant Spider, Naraku)
2. Yoake (Dawn)
3. MEINTAITORU (Main Title)
4. Bukimi na Tsuki (Ominous Moon)
5. Gokai desu! (A Misunderstanding!)
6. Tenkuu no Hime Kaguya
(Princess of the Heavens Kaguya)
7. Houjoukun Toujou (Houjou-kun Enters)
8. TSUUSHOTTO (Two Shots)
9. Satoru Kikyou (Enlightened Kikyou)
10. Ryuushu no Tama (Jewel of the Dragon's Neck)
11. Futari no PENDANTO (A Couple's Pendant)
12. Ubawareta Yoru (Stolen Night)
13. Kagami no Naka no Kaguya
(Kaguya Beyond the Looking Glass)
14. Iro Bouzu Miroku (The Colorful Monk Miroku)
15. Shoujo to Kikyou (A Young Girl and Kikyou)
16. Houjoukun no Gozenzosama (Houjou-kun's Ancestors)
17. Hachiemon no Hankou?! (Hachiemon's Rebellion?!)
18. Kyoudai no Omoi (Thoughts of a Brother and Sister)
19. Nerawareru Tsubame no Koyasugai
(Aiming At The Swallow's Cowry)
20. Ten'nyo Densetsu (Folktale of the Celestial Maiden)
21. Kaguya no Youriki (Kaguya's Enchanting Power)
22. Shatsuranukareta Kagome (Kagome's Piercing Shot)
23. Miroku to Sango no Saikai
(Miroku and Sango's Reunion)
24. Hodokareta Fuuin (Undone Seal)
25. Kagome Kyuushutsu (Kagome's Rescue)
26. Orochi vs. Inuyasha (Orochi vs. Inuyasha)
27. Kaguya no Shoutai (Kaguya's True Form)
28. Meikyoushisui no Hou (As Clear and Serene
as a Polished Mirror and Still Water)
29. Goshin no PENDANTO
(Pendant of Defense)
30. Mugenjou (The Castle of Fantasy)
31. Gekitou (Fierce Fighting)
32. Henkasuru Inuyasha
(Inuyasha's Transformation)
33. Inori, Negai (Prayer, Wish)
34. Fukkatsu (Restoration)
35. Inuyasha vs. Kaguya (Inuyasha vs. Kaguya)
36. Yuuku (Dissolving and Consuming)
37. Tatakai no Ato (After the Battle)
Дата добавления аниме: November 30th 2010
Разместил : Lupita
Просмотров: 1440