Канон ТВ ОСТ 1
Kanon TV OST 1 Жанр : jrock jpop
Кол-во серий : 31
- Год выпуска : 2002
Формат : CD
Озвучивали : Miho Fujiwara, Hiroyuki Kōzu, Kōji Ueno, Shinji Orito
Описание : kanon tv ost 1 (канон тв ост 1 / kanon tv ost 1 )
Сборник саундтреков к аниме Канон.
* 01 - Promise I
* 02 - Florescence TV edition
* 03 - Remains of a Dream I
* 04 - Minase Nayuki
* 05 - The Wind Carried from the North
* 06 - On the Usual Road
* 07 - Winter Fireworks
* 08 - In the City
* 09 - Tsukimiya Ayu
* 10 - The Day when I Waited for the Wind
* 11 - Lively Feelings
* 12 - The Scenery where She Exists
* 13 - Misaka Shiori
* 14 - Kawasumi Mai
* 15 - Crevice of the Heart
* 16 - A Quiet Sadness
* 17 - Event
* 18 - Sawatari Makoto
* 19 - Sepia Heartbeats
* 20 - An Alighting Anxiety
* 21 - The Day when I Waited for the Wind II
* 22 - Sea of Mist I
* 23 - Apprehension
* 24 - The Shadow that Lurks in the Darkness
* 25 - Throbbing Thoughts
* 26 - Time Suspense I
* 27 - The Newborn Morning
* 28 - Florescence (Softly Ver.)
* 29 - Flower (TV edition)
* 30 - Florescence (TV edition Special Ver.)
* 31 - Promise II
Дата добавления аниме: December 23rd 2010
Разместил : Lupita
Просмотров: 1427