Грэй-мен ОСТ 2
D.Gray-Man OST 2 Жанр : jrock jpop
Кол-во серий : 31
- Год выпуска : 2007
Формат : CD
Озвучивали : Nami Tamaki, Nana Kitade, SURFACE
Описание : d.gray-man ost 2 (грэй-мен ост 2 / d.gray-man ost 2 )
- 01 - Brightdown -TV Mix- (1:30)
- 02 - Black Order (1:24)
- 03 - With My Friends (1:09)
- 04 - Successor Lavi (2:50)
- 05 - Bookman (1:05)
- 06 - Arystar Krory (1:40)
- 07 - Castle of the Vampire (1:11)
- 09 - Tyki Mikk (2:54)
- 10 - Message from the Millenium Earl or Count (2:22)
- 11 - Fallen One ~Suman Dark~ (2:56)
- 12 - AKUMA Invasion or AKUMA Attack (1:19)
- 13 - Strange Space (1:15)
- 14 - The Noah Room (1:45)
- 16 - Comrades of the Black Order (1:26)
- 18 - In the Middle of the Journey (1:02)
- 19 - Awakening of Love (1:31)
- 20 - New Encounter (1:16)
- 21 - Reunion (1:27)
- 22 - Healing the Soul (2:37)
- 23 - Black Forest (1:16)
- 24 - Conspiracy (2:07)
- 25 - The Time of Decision (1:08)
- 26 - Approaching the Crisis which Comes (1:13)
- 27 - Group Attack (1:08)
- 28 - Counterattack (1:21)
- 29 - To Another Fight (2:35)
- 30 - Yume no Tsudzuki e -TV Edit- (1:31)
- 31 - Antoinette Blue ~D.Gray-man Ending Version~ (1:32)
Дата добавления аниме: February 16th 2012
Разместил : Lupita
Просмотров: 1243