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Full Metal Alchemist - Conqueror of Shamballa Movie OST , Hagane no Renkin - Conqueror of Shamballa Movie OST, Стальной алхимик – Провитель Шамбалы Фильм ОСТ,

Стальной алхимик – Провитель Шамбалы Фильм ОСТ

Full Metal Alchemist - Conqueror of Shamballa Movie OST
Hagane no Renkin - Conqueror of Shamballa Movie OST
Кол-во серий : 45
Студия : Moscow International Symphony Orchestra
Год выпуска :
Формат : CD
Описание :

full metal alchemist - conqueror of shamballa movie ost (стальной алхимик – провитель шамбалы фильм ост / hagane no renkin - conqueror of shamballa movie ost)


 01 - Scientist of the alchemic world 

02 - Fullmetal Alchemist 
03 - Weapon of mass destruction
04 - Castle of science goes Kablooey 
05 - Sibyl 
07 - Creeper in the shadow of time 
08 - Darkness looms upon her 
09 - Automated right arm 
10 - Burden of her past 
11 - Her dream 
12 - Vanishing existence 
13 - Thule society 
14 - Seeking a new thrill 
15 - Dragon~unlocker of the gate 
16 - Road to Shamballa 
17 - The alchemic world~two years thereafter 
18 - Citizen of the world 
19 - Stranger from another world~the young alchemist 
20 - Beyond the light......! 
21 - Search for the professor 
22 - The incomplete alchemic circle 
23 - Dietlinde Eckart 
24 - A temporary reunion 
25 - Harmonized feelings 
26 - Parallel world~another self in an alternative world 
27 - The Lord of Shamballa shall reign over the world 
28 - Shadows surrounding her 
29 - Soul slides away 
30 - To the vanished city 
31 - Shadows swallow her 
32 - Other side of the Gate~Shamballa 
33 - Overture of destiny 
34 - Evanescence 
35 - When the gate of destiny is revealed 
36 - Beyond the Gate~Conqueror of Shamballa 
37 - Reunion~dear beloved place 
38 - Invasion of the intruders 
39 - Guardian of the motherland 
40 - Destruction of Shangri-La 
41 - Guardian of the world 
42 - Reason of war 
43 - Sad resolution~separation 
44 - Unceasing lunacy 
45 - Requiem 

Дата добавления аниме: August 30th 2012
Разместил : Lupita

Просмотров: 1380

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